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Our 2 hour public walks are family friendly &  commence from the  steps of Leeds University's  iconic Parkinson Building, Woodhouse Lane:
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Bookings can be made

on the external Geraldine

Connor Foundation website. Click here.

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MAY 2016 - Funded by the WEA - tutors and fellow students attend the LBHW at the end of an amazing African History Course at the Chapeltown & Harehills Area Learning And Training Project. New courses starting 2018, see opposite or contact us for further details.

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Heritage Corner challenges imposed misrepresentation with historical facts and intelligent self-representation

Review from North Leeds Life, July 2016


The frieze below was produced 60 years after Frederick Douglass' first visit to Leeds in 1846, long after slavery had been abolished. This 1905 loin cloth-'Negro' is misrepresentative of the time, yet remains the only full-body representation of an African in the city of Leeds today. Perhaps one day we can collectively create an alternative representation for the city's aspirations.

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